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Cacti - Chamaecereus 'Peanut Cactus'

Cacti - Chamaecereus 'Peanut Cactus'

Regular price $13.40 AUD
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The Chamaecereus 'Peanut Cactus' is characterized by its clustering habit, forming tight clumps of cylindrical stems that resemble peanuts, hence the common name. The stems are usually green, but they can take on shades of reddish-brown or purplish hues under certain conditions.


  • Growth Form: Low-growing, clustering cactus with a trailing or spreading habit.

  • Size: Small-sized stems, resembling elongated peanuts, forming dense mats or clusters.


  • Shape: Cylindrical and segmented stems, often resembling a string of peanuts.

  • Color: Green, with potential variations and hints of reddish or purplish tones under stress.

Cultural Considerations:

  • Light Requirements: Prefers bright, indirect light; can tolerate some direct sunlight.

  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry between waterings; drought-tolerant once established.

  • Temperature Tolerance: Well-suited to warm climates; protect from frost.

  • Soil Type: Well-draining cactus mix or sandy soil.

Special Features:

  • Peanut-Like Appearance: The cylindrical stems closely resemble a string of peanuts, giving it its common name.

  • Trailing Growth: Ideal for hanging baskets or as ground cover in succulent gardens.Chamaecereus or peanut cactus looks great in a hanging pot.

  • Colorful Flowers: The vibrant flowers add a burst of color to the trailing stems.

  • Very easy to grow it is a form of Echinopsis. Attractive orange red flowers which form in spring. Morning sun.

  • Caring for the Chamaecereus 'Peanut Cactus' is relatively easy, making it suitable for both experienced cactus enthusiasts and beginners.

This cactus thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and prefers well-draining soil. It is drought-tolerant.During the winter months.The Chamaecereus 'Peanut Cactus' can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the climate and personal preference. It is well-suited for containers, hanging baskets, or rock gardens. Its compact size and clustering habit make it an excellent choice for small spaces or arrangements.

The succulent plant housed in the red pot comes in a 80mm diameter container. While the image provides a representative depiction of what you will receive, but may vary slightly because no two succulents are the same. 

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